Friday, November 4, 2016

One Woman's Journey From ISIL Slave To Human Rights Activist

As if you needed another reason to dislike the Islamic State here's another- ISIL regularly enslaves people (mostly women) and uses them for everything from free labor to sex work.
This isn't exactly a dirty little secret, nor does ISIL really want the world to know they're actively taking slaves lest this ugly truth strain their allegiances.
But information is power, and former ISIL slave turned human rights activist Lamiya Aji Bashar wants to share her story of survival with the world so those who oppose the IS know what they're fighting for.
Lamiya is now starting her life over in Europe, and she has been jointly nominated for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought along with fellow Yazidi human rights activist and former IS slave Nadia Murad.
Nadia and Lamiya risked their lives to escape from ISIL, and they're still placing themselves at risk by sharing the plight of the Yazidi people with the world. But sometimes all it takes is one brave soul willing to speak out to give others the courage and motivation to take action.

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