Saturday, December 10, 2016

Editorial Comment

In blog news ...
Our readership is growing and we appreciate our readers, thank you.
We have decided on a couple of minor updates to the daily postings for the new year, neither of which will be noticed by the vast majority of our readers but we're going ahead with them anyway.
One major decision was made to continue to not post comments.
There are just too many spam postings posing as comments and not enough time or inclination to wade through the morass to find the pearl(s) of legitimate comments. (That along with the trolls trying to pervert and subvert this blog just like all other blogs and websites they slither onto.)
In other words ...
Scissors and tape in hand - Today is "Xmas present wrapping day", at least according to the Mrs., it is ... so it's wrapping we go.
The fireplace is roaring and the dogs are jumping in to rolls of wrapping paper and spreading them around the room even before the first snip is snipped so you know if the presents are not wrapped just right the dogs get the credit.
Remember, as always ....
Have Fun and Be Happy

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