Sunday, December 25, 2016

Editorial Comment

The American people ARE speaking and speaking loudly and firmly.
They are not pleased with the theft of their country.
Meanwhile on the Dark Side ...
The madness of the lunatic fringe is only getting deeper.
One would not be held to blame if they thought the insanity was at it's height in the depths of the murky fetid swamp that is the wingnut brain before the theft of the election, but since the theft the heights have ascended exponentially as they have plunged ever deeper into the depths of the abyss.
All the while they accuse everyone else of their own foibles.
In blog news ...
We have had a banner year this year.
Readership has exploded.
Several wingnut trolls have been incarcerated for some heinous felonies because they made the mistake of attempting their perversion here.
All in All, a most wondrous year.
The coming year will be even greater.
In other words ...
We are spending time with the family and enjoying our life this weekend so today (Sunday) we are posting fluff and fill for the day - Humorous, Comical, Funny and the like so that we can all remember the true meaning of existence ...
Remember, as always ....
Have Fun and Be Happy

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