Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Evil Supervillain Lair or Fire Station?

This imposing ultramodern design does resemble the headquarters of an evil empire, but it's a fire station in Italy. Where I live, building anything against a rock face is just asking to be crushed by falling rock, and a glass building even more so, but this is a natural cliff instead of a carved mountain. The building is in Margreid, in the Alto Adige/Suedtirol region of northern Italy. The design is from the firm  Bergmeister Wolf.
The architects were approached in 2010 to build a fire station in a cliff of sheer rock. The reason such a challenging spot was chosen was to conserve the small amount of arable land in the area. “The building could have been placed on a normal lot,” explained the architects, “but the community decided to build the fire station into the rock, saving valuable land for use as agriculture.”
There are caverns behind the rock face, which were enlarged and reinforced with concrete for use by the fire department. You can explore the site via Google Street View.

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