Sunday, February 26, 2017

Editorial Comment

The wingnuts continue to spew their bile and venom in their hatred of anything American all the while desperately claiming to 'Love America'.
The American people ARE speaking and speaking loudly and firmly.
They are not pleased with the theft of their country.
Meanwhile on the Dark Side ...
The madness of the lunatic fringe is only getting deeper.
Hate, bigotry, racism, xenophobia, belligerence, lying, ignorance, stupidity, intolerance, and all manner of negative traits and phobias - not what America is but what AmeriKKKa is.
Now the world is witnessing the mass insanity of the deranged and deluded .. it is not a pretty sight.
It has not changed so we reprise the opening here.
In blog news ...
We report the truth.
We do not shy away from it.
Wingnuts don't like us for it and we could not give a flying rat's ass about what they feel - but we digress.
We posted about the most recent wingnut peccadillo involving one of their own wanting to boink little boys as they are wont to do and the perverts howled - boy did they howl ... each and every one defending the wingnut pervert Milo and accusing everyone else of being the real perverts. But what do expect they are perverts after all.
As to the other burr in the wingnut trolls asses ... illustrations that accurately portray them as they truly are - how dare we post actual photographs of the subject of an individual post ... of all the gall.
Tough titties. We will post actual photos of a post's subject matter in every case we can. We will from time to time use an editorial cartoon or a generic photo when no proper photo is available, however when we do so anyone with a functioning brain cell can tell a cartoon when they see one (with wingnuts that is not the case ... they cannot) and we include a disclaimer within the post of generic photos stating that they are such (something else wingnuts cannot comprehend).
In other words ...
Working too hard on the garden this year so we are going to take a few days and let time stop while sit on the front porch before we move to the back porch and remember what life was like when all was right in the world.
Remember, as always ....
Have Fun and Be Happy

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