Friday, February 3, 2017

Fascinating Facts: Mexico Edition

Thanks to Dumbass Trump's wall and anti-immigration policies, Mexico has been in the news a lot lately, but while people have been talking a lot about the country, few people actually know much about it. Thanks to TopTenz, now you can actually learn a little about America's Southern neighbor and the facts they chose are pretty fascinating. For example, did you know Mexico is home to the world's smallest volcano and the oldest university in America?And perhaps most surprising in our modern political climate -Mexico's net immigration to the US is negative, meaning more Mexicans are leaving the US to go back to Mexico than are coming to the US. Factors playing into this immigration trend are many, but include increased safety and more jobs in Mexico, as well as a desire to see friends and family members left behind. So learn some new and interesting things about what was once the fifth largest country in the world here.

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