Thursday, February 9, 2017

Tet: The Vietnamese New Year

Jürgen Horn and Mike Powell are exploring the world by living in a new place for 91 days at a time. They are now in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (which the residents still call Saigon) just in time for the New Year celebrations! 
One of the main arteries for Tet festivities in Saigon is along the broad avenue of Nguyên Huệ. The road is shut off to traffic, and the center of the boulevard filled with flower sculptures and monuments. We visited on the actual day of the New Year (Jan 28th) and were immediately swept up in the street’s celebratory buzz. In the evening, thousands of people were crammed onto the street, and everyone seemed to be having fun.
It’s interesting to be introduced to a culture during its biggest holiday. Parties, music, traditions and fun? You couldn’t ask for a better first impression.
See a bunch of pictures (and a couple of videos) of the celebration, and read about some Tet traditions at Saigon For 91 Days.

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