Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Small French Diner That Was Accidentally Awarded a Michelin Star

One of the greatest awards a restaurant can earn is a Michelin star, but in the case of Bourges' Bouche à Oreille, the award was a real surprise -largely because the restuarant is simply a small neighborhood diner. While the diner is good, it's by no means a gourmet, Michelin-star-level establishment.As it turns out the star was awarded by mistake as there was a mix up between the Bouche à Oreille in Bourges and the Bouche à Oreille in nearby Boutervilliers. The error was fixed after two days, but during that short period, the little greasy spoon was swamped with diners looking for the next great Michelin restaurant.
You can read most about the poor little diner and the fancy restaurant nearby over at Telegraph.

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