Sunday, March 19, 2017

Bakers Jailed in Venezuela's New "Bread War" for Making Illegal Brownies

There's a new war of sorts in Venezuela.
Embattled President Nicolas Maduro has sent government inspectors and soldiers into the bakeries of the country's capital in search for illegal brownies (no, not that kind) and other pastries, as part of a new "bread war."
Breadmakers blamed the government for the shortage of wheat, and the government has struck back with a rule that 90% of wheat must be made into loaves of bread instead of pastries.
According to The Guardian:
During this week’s inspections, two men were arrested as their bakery was using too much wheat in sweet bread, ham-filled croissants and other products, the state superintendency of fair prices said in a statement sent to media on Thursday. ...
Another two were detained for making brownies with out-of-date wheat, the statement added, saying at least one bakery had been temporarily taken over by authorities for 90 days.
“Those behind the ‘bread war’ are going to pay, and don’t let them say later it is political persecution,” Maduro had warned at the start of the week.
I wonder what Marie Antoinette has got to say about Venezuela's anti-pastries rule.

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