Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Immodest Proposal

Sex Breaks During the Workday
Why are these women smiling?
A city councilor in the town of Overtornea, Sweden, has proposed a regulation that would give workers an hour-long break during the day in order to have sex. Per-Erik Muskos made the motion Monday, and says that the exercise is good for the workers, sex is good for the relationship, and the break would benefit peoples' overall well-being.
Muskos admitted there was no way to check whether workers would actually use the hour for its intended purpose.
"You can't guarantee that a worker doesn't go out for a walk instead," he said, adding that employers needed to trust their employees.
But Muskos said he saw no reason why the motion wouldn't pass. On top of the health benefits, he said the sex breaks would also solve the area's low birth rate.
"This means that childbirth should be encouraged," his motion states, as reported by Swedish newspaper Kuriren. "When sex is also an excellent form of exercise with documented positive effects on well-being, the municipality should kill two birds with one stone and encourage employees to use their fitness hour to go home and have sex with their partner."
While it's doubtful that such a break would make much difference in the birth rate, employees will probably love the idea. In other countries, people would be shocked that a government body is concerned with the well-being of workers.

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