Tuesday, March 14, 2017

No Way!

This is a story of two fast food outlets in Nijverdal, Netherlands. Raymond Nijland runs a Subway shop in the Dutch town. In February, he put up a sign on private land that looks like a traffic sign. You can see that if you drive straight ahead, there's a McDonald's.  
The sign pointed out that traffic had only one option: turn left to the deli. It was not Nijlands intention to react against McDonald's burger joint, or to propagate the Subway is a better restaurant. "I just wanted to do something that is frivolous."
Tom Thomson of McDonald's noticed the sign too. He laughed at the idea, then approached Nijland about it. The two came to an agreement and amended the sign to "make it even more fun."
The second photo also proved to be very popular. The story is in Dutch.

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