Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Odd Yet Beautiful Houseplants You May Not Have Heard Of

Indoor plants add some life and color to your interior spaces, and contrary to popular belief they don't just sit around doing nothing all day because many plants help improve air quality in your home.
And if you're going to let a bunch of lazy plants sit around the house all day you might as well bring home an odd and interesting looking bunch!
The "Wine Cup" variet of Crassula umbrella looks really cool on the counter, or if you like a plant that's less of a reach then the "Donkey Tail" Sedum Morganianum at the top of the post may grab you.
But if you want to go for full blown bizarre then you need to add a Trachyandra tortilis to your home.
This rare plant is native to South Africa and look like something Dr. Seuss drew, but it takes them a few years to get to this point so you may want to pick up a full grown one if you can find it. Happy plant hunting!

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