Monday, March 6, 2017

Trout Jumps Out Of Water And Turns Into Fishsicle

As spring starts to creep in and thaw the frost it's important to remember how good it feels to get out of the bitter cold and warm your bones again, because winter can be a killer.Just ask this poor trout how he feels about winter...oh wait, you can't, he's frickin' dead, frozen to the side of a bridge after taking a leap like a fishheaded fool.
Decorah fish hatchery biologist Brian Malaise discovered the unfortunate trout stuck to one of the hatchery's aluminum baffles while he was making his morning rounds.So how did it happen? Let's get all scientifical:
When objects of different temperatures come into contact, they want to achieve thermal equilibrium (the point at which one is no longer warmer than the other). It’s this heat transfer that led the trout straight to Davey Jones’ locker. The moment the surfaces came into contact, the metal robbed the fish it of its body heat. And because aluminum is so conductive – it’s one of the most conductive common metals – the transfer happened fast enough to freeze the fish’s water-coated skin to the baffle.

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