Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Worst Mistakes People Make When They Fly

While the ever more intrusive TSA screenings, horrible treatment by airlines and increased tension among passengers have made flying less comfortable than ever before it's still a necessary travel evil.
So if you have to fly, for business or otherwise, you might as well make sure the trip is as painless as possible, so don't wear uncomfortable shoes or bring devices on the plane that rely on a WiFi signal.
The shoes will help you get across the airport in a flash, in case you have to change terminals or catch a flight, and devices that aren't reliant on WiFi will help you stay busy, or entertained, on any flight.
Another commonly overlooked element of flight comfort is seat location, which many travelers don't bother to choose while booking their ticket.
Leave the choice up to the airline and you may end up in the back row with no incline, forced to "hang out" with the people who constantly hover outside the bathroom.

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