Friday, May 5, 2017

The surgeon general's sudden dismissal should alarm all doctors

The day after being fired, Murthy confirmed on Facebook that he had refused to abandon his commitment to "a healthier and more compassionate America." Faced with a conflict between personal or career interest and the interests of his patient - the American population - he chose principle over paycheck, like a doctor should.
On Wednesday, seven US senators wrote to Dumbass Trump asking why Murthy was removed from his position before his term had expired "in light of (the) Administration's pattern of politically motivated and ethically questionable personnel decisions." Had it been his stance on gun control? Criminal drug policy? Affordable health care? Or was he dismissed for being the kind of fellow who joined forces with Elmo to debunk the anti-vaccination myths Dumbass Trump has given credence to?
The surgeon general's sudden dismissal should alarm all doctors

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