Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Utah Mom Stuffed Kids in Trunk While Shopping

A 39-year-old woman in Utah is facing child abuse charges in what witnesses are describing as an appalling incident: Tori Lee Castillo is accused of locking her two children, ages 2 and 5, in the trunk of her car while she left to shop at a local Walmart. The Riverdale City Police Department got a call Thursday after a witness reported seeing Castillo put her kids in the trunk. "The small children ... began making noise and moving frantically, causing the vehicle to shake," Utah police tell CNN.
"Several good Samaritans observed this and came to the aid of the children." Those good Samaritans coached the 5-year-old on how to open the trunk using an emergency latch.
"I was shocked, I was shaken, and I was mad," a witness tells CNN. "And there's two kids there, tears coming down their face. Bawling. They were scared." Castillo was arrested after returning to her car, per the AP.

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