Monday, June 26, 2017

35-Pound Cat is Adopted

Symba was surrendered to the Human Rescue Alliance a couple of weeks ago when his owner went to a nursing home. Symba is 6 years old and weighs 35 pounds! The shelter in Washington, DC, put him on a diet and hoped to find a new owner who would continue the program. Publicity helped, and Symba has been adopted by Kiah Berkeley and Peter Sorkin.
“He is lovely. He is a really sweet guy,” Berkeley, 31, told ABC News of Symba’s personality.
The engaged couple heard about him like everyone else: on the news.
“There were a bunch of news stories about him,” she said. “We love cats. My fiancĂ© and I had two cats already. I have a particular affinity for very large animals and he obviously was a really sweet, loving guy. Very cute.”   
Read Symba's story at ABC News. Keep up with Symba on his weight loss journey at his Facebook page.

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