Monday, June 26, 2017

Editorial Comment

We have been a source for truth, honesty, mirth and serious subject matter for quite a spell now on events and happenings around the world.
We will continue to be so, but we will try to focus a bit more on North Carolina, we are CAROLINA NATURALLY after all.
Our growing readership likes our positive message and our spotlighting the evils of the lunatic fringe.
We have been awarded many accolades for our unwillingness to be browbeaten by hate and hatemongers and relentlessly exposing them.
Fact is some of the most hateful - as listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) - are completely frustrated at their severe lack of ability to pervert this blog and our excellent record of prosecuting their hatred with a extremely high incarceration rate for those who have attempted to pervert this blog.
With a refocus on things North Carolina we intend to have more 'less severe' post topics while continuing to post topics of great interest and importance.
To celebrate this new focus we have an extended issue of CAROLINA NATURALLY today.

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