Monday, June 26, 2017

Nabra Hassanen's murder feeds anti-immigrant rhetoric on the lunatic fringe wingnut internet

The gruesome killing of a 17-year-old girl in Virginia this week has become fuel for political narratives on either side of the US spectrum.
Nabra Hassanen was with friends outside her mosque, the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center, when a driver rode over the curb and scattered the crowd of teens. He then took Hassanen in his car and beat her to death with a bat.
The girl's family thought from the start that her killing was a hate crime, that she was targeted for wearing a hijab. Plenty of people voiced their agreement online and continue to do so.
But law enforcement handling the case says the killer did not commit a hate crime. Officials say it was an incident of road rage. News has since broken that Darwin Martinez Torres, a 22-year-old Salvadoran immigrant in the country without authorization, is a suspect in the case.
And now people who rejected the hate crime allegations from the start are saying there's no way it was a hate crime, because the suspect isn't a white American. Additionally, there's the largely unsupported claim that undocumented immigrants are a danger to Americans.

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