Friday, June 16, 2017

Two men describe homophobic torture in Chechnya

Two men have spoken out about the torture they endured for being gay in Chechnya, where they claim they were beaten, electrocuted and abused by police before fleeing the country.
The men, who were granted anonymity over fears of reprisal, gave Reuters accounts of their horrific ordeals at the hands of the authorities.
One of the men described being beaten by police after he refused to hand over the names of other gay men he knew, only escaping further torture after telling the authorities he was related to a policeman. He was taken to his family, and was then handcuffed to a radiator before his sister helped him escape.
"There was only one thing left to do: to get rid of me,” he said. “Because it was such a shame for a military family, for a rather big family. We [in Chechnya] have only one way to resolve this.”

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