Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Dali's Mustache is Still Intact

Surrealist painter Salvador Dali died in 1989 and was buried under the Dali Theatre-Museum in Figueres, Catalonia, Spain. For the past ten years, Maria Pilar Abel has been fighting to be recognized as Dali's daughter. She claims she is the product of a liaison between Dali and her mother in 1955, which would make her Dali's only child. To research the claim, Dali's crypt was opened Thursday after the museum closed in order to extract tissue for a DNA test.   
Narcís Bardalet, the embalmer who tended Dalí’s body after his death in 1989 and helped with the exhumation on Thursday night, said he had been delighted to see the surrealist’s best-known feature once again.
“His moustache is still intact, [like clock hands at] 10 past 10, just as he liked it. It’s a miracle,” he told the Catalan radio station RAC1.
Otherwise, Dali's body had hardened so much that an electric saw was needed to take samples. After the DNA test, the samples will be returned to the crypt. The results of the DNA test will take about a month. Read more on the story at The Guardian.

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