Friday, July 14, 2017

Fuck That- An Honest Meditation For Today's World

The more hippie dippie meditation courses always feature lots of appropriated Asian philosophy, imagery and music, which doesn't really speak to the modern Western mind and is therefore lost on many of us.So if you want to get a city dwelling English speaker interested in meditation you've got to learn to speak their language, and Jason Headley has cracked the code with his series Fuck That: An Honest Meditation.
Jason's meditation video, book and app use the many expletives other meditation courses are afraid to let fly in order to free our spirits from the grips of our modern lives, or some such bulls#@t.
Some claim it worked wonders for their frustrated minds, others say it sounds like an early Eddie Murphy routine. Click play, close your eyes and decide for yourself. (NSFW) Namaste!

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