Monday, July 24, 2017

Lard-submerged Qur'an mailed to Islamic center in California

The Council on American-Islamic Relations is one of the most active pro-Islam voices in the Trump era — and when their Sacramento office was sent a pork lard-submerged Qur’an, they knew they’d struck a nerve.
As the Associated Press reported, the offensive package sent to the Sacramento CAIR office is now being investigated by police — and is the third time a mosque or Islamic center has been sent a defaced Qur’an in recent months.
Although Sacramento police are investigating the packages as a “hate activity,” they’re unlikely to press charges due to it not being a technically criminal action. Given that this is the third such incident in the area, “police have notified terrorist threat assessment agencies.”
“It’s deplorable behavior by someone to do something like this, and it’s very disrespectful to their religion. But yet there’s no specific crime that’s attached to it,” a Sacramento officer told AP. “We’re monitoring these types of instances and taking them very seriously.”

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