Sunday, August 27, 2017

Alt-Right circle jerk to get dog poop welcome at SF park

A group of alt-right agitators will be met with a stinky surprise when they arrive at San Francisco’s Crissy Field on Saturday.
Hordes of local dog owners plan on bringing their pups to poop there ahead of a rally organized by the wingnut cabal Patriot Prayer, whose past circle jerks have turned violent.
“I just had this image of alt-right people stomping around in the poop,” organizer Tuffy Tuffington, 45, told The Guardian. “It seemed like a little bit of civil disobedience where we didn’t have to engage with them face to face.”
Tuffington, a 45-year-old artist, launched a Facebook event page encouraging other dog owners in the city to “Leave a gift for our Alt-Right friends” — and people responded in force, with more than a thousand signing up and another 5,555 down as maybes.
Many confirmed attendees pledged to save up bags of doggie dung days in advance — and then dump it on the field.
They plan on cleaning up the doo-doo — but not until the circle jerk is over.
Meanwhile, others plan to protest Patriot Prayer in a more aromatic way with an event called “Flowers Against Fascism” that channels the hippie anthem of “If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.”
“Organizers of the [Patriot Prayer] circle jerk claim to disassociate themselves with white supremacy and only want a peace and love to unite Americans,” wrote even coordinator Susan Bolt.
“If that’s the case, then we’ll tune into the love frequency again to show them just how peace and love is done — with flowers for their hair. Bring all the cut flowers you can gather to Crissy Field to distribute in the name of equality and against fascism.”
Other wacky counter-protests on Saturday will include people dressed as clowns and arriving via kayaks, Facebook events show.
“You have a significant number of people who would like to go and punch Nazis, and then you have people who think they should be entirely ignored. In between you have all sorts of creative and crazy ideas. I kind of like that,” activist Cleve Jones told The Guardian.
Note: This circle jerk was canceled - first they tried to move it but people found it and simply moved to stop it so the wingnuts just cancelled the entire thing ... which was the desired outcome anyway (the fact that the wingnuts would be Goosestepping in dog shit was not an unpleasant thought in the first place though).

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