Friday, August 4, 2017

Many US scientists answer France’s call to come ‘make our planet great again’

The rap on Washington and the Dumbass Trump junta these days is that nothing is getting done.
Well, tell that to anyone concerned about the climate crisis.
Sure, most of Dumbass Trump’s legislative initiatives have gone nowhere in Congress.
But Dumbass Trump is delivering big time on his promises to gut the federal government's efforts to fight climate change, from pulling out of the Paris climate agreement to pulling the plug on President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan to proposing massive budget cuts in federal agencies that work on the problem.
So, what's an American who cares about climate change to do?
French President Emmanuel Macron has an answer. The day after  Dumbass Trump's June 1 repudiation of the Paris deal, Macron issued this plea: “To all scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, responsible citizens who were disappointed by the decision of the president of the United States, I call on them: Come and work here, with us.”

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