The Batman and Wonder Woman of the Brave and the Bold animated universe nearly got married in All-New Batman Brave and the Bold #4, having been hit with a spell from Eros, the Greek god of attraction, that makes them fall for each other. The two break out of the spell thanks to Diana’s lasso of truth, but decide to plan a lavish wedding anyway... and use it as a trap to draw out a bunch of supervillains—who couldn’t resist attacking the wedding of Wonder Woman and Batman!—that they then proceed to beat the snot out of.Batman went to the altar with many of those famous brides more than once, plus a few other less memorable characters. So far, they've all been stopped at the last minute, annulled, or occurred in a dream or an in alternate universe. Read the short versions of each of Batman's marriages at io9.
Monday, October 16, 2017
A Brief History of Bat-Marriage
the DC comics universe, Batman has recently become engaged to Selena
Kyle (Catwoman). We don't know if they will actually go through with it,
but if something prevents the nuptials, there's bound to be some evil
mad scientist or super villain involved. Of course, a wedding is always
good for ratings, or comic book sales in this case. Batman has taken a
walk down the aisle, or come close to it, many times over his
almost-80-year history. He's been spotted marrying Kathy Kane, Vicki
Vale, Julie Madison, Selina Kyle, Lois Lane, and Wonder Woman.
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