Friday, October 6, 2017

A Rare Visit from a Family of Lynx

Photographer Tim Newton saw a cat outside his home in Anchorage last week, and thought nothing of it, until he noticed it was a lynx. He started shooting photographs through his window, and found it wasn't alone. It was a litter of seven lynx kittens and their mother!
So for the next half-hour, Newton says he just went back and forth, from window to window, photographing them.
At one point, Newton decided to test his luck by going outside to continue photographing the kits. While the mother was cautious and alert, he says she was also very calm with him in her presence. Moreover, some of the kits were very intrigued by Newton.
"I actually had my bathrobe on," says Newton. "So I didn't have legs, as far as the kits could tell. And I didn't have eyes or a head. I just had this big round thing that went 'Click, click, click.' So I think the little kittens didn't have any clue what I might be."
The family stayed for about 40 minutes, then calmly left the yard. You can see the whole collection of photographs at Newton's site.

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