Friday, October 6, 2017

Oklahoma men recount being sent to 'christian' 'slave camp' instead of prison

Brad McGahey, a now-30-year-old man from rural Oklahoma, thought he’d been “spared” from prison when a judge sent him to the 'Christian' Alcoholics & Addicts in Recovery center. Though he was not an addict, doing time at what locals called “the Chicken Farm” seemed a lot better than being behind bars.
Instead, McGahey told the Center for Investigative Reporting’s Reveal news site, he found himself in a “slave camp.”
These sorts of rehab facilities, Reveal noted, “have become the bedrock of criminal justice reform” — centers that are supposed to rehabilitate people who may otherwise join the large number of formerly imprisoned people who end up back in the system.
While many of the programs “promise freedom from addiction,” they’ve instead “turned thousands of men and women into indentured servants.”

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