Monday, October 16, 2017

South Dakota high school cancels homecoming

The homecoming dance, parade and football game at a Sturgis, South Dakota high school have been cancelled after social media showed “Go back to the Rez” painted on a car that was destroyed prior to the scheduled game with Pine Ridge High School for students on the nearby Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
“It’s the worst day I’ve ever had,” Sturgis Brown High School Principal Pete Wilson told the Associated Press.
Tensions are high as administrators attempt to contain the fallout.
“The incident has caused severe backlash, including several Facebook threats from people affiliated with both sides,” NBC Newscenter 1’s Sam Kraemer reported.
One particularly worrisome image spray-painted above the “go back to the Rez” message are the letters SS, which can refer to Schutzstaffel, Adolph Hitler’s paramilitary force. Skinheads and neo-Nazi’s often use such symbolism to express their views of white supremacy.

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