Monday, October 2, 2017

The Post that started it all ...

Opening Salvo

I open this blog with the express wish to bring mirth to the mirthless
and honesty to the dishonest,
so beware here it comes.

Are you ready for your trip into the forest?
It has been an adventure. Carolina Naturally has evolved over the decade plus since that opening salvo. But in retrospect it has not wandered too far from where it began. It was - from it's inception to the first posts to today's edition - an amalgam of bits of interest and things that mattered. The format has changed and the delivery has been tweaked (and is still is being tweaked) over the years ... with more in depth subjects giving birth to three sister blogs.
Now, before all our loyal readers and fans get depressed (and the wingnuts have an orgasm at the prospect) we are not announcing our swansong just reflecting on the years - we old people tend to do that you know. When we began this blog our grandchildren were just knee high, now they are having our great-grandchildren, so yeah, we're not spring chickens anymore but we are having more fum than ever.

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