Sunday, July 22, 2007

Night Funny

Everybody has one ... the busy-body mother-in-law.

Well a young bride had hers and her new husbands mother would drop in at any time and try to run her household. One day as usual the mother -in-law shows up and lets herself in.
However she stops as soon as she opens the door for there was her daughter-in-law standing just inside wearing a smile and nothing else.
A smile that quickly turned to a frown as she saw it was 'Mom'.
As she saw her daughter-in-law the old woman said, "What are you doing?!"
The which her daughter-in-law replied, "I am waiting for my husband ... YOUR son to come home.
"But, You're naked!", 'Mom' gasped.
"This is me 'Love Dress'", replied the young woman, "and my husband likes my love dress and it makes him happy to see me in it, which makes me happy."
Continuing she said, "In fact he is due any moment and I would like it if you were not here when he gets here."
Well, 'Mom' leaves in a huff, stewing about being sent away.
She gets home and stews about the encounter with her daughter-in-law for a few days and thinks about that 'love dress' more and more until she feels a bit horny herself and vows to do the same thing the next day when her husband came home from work.
So, the next day she stood just inside the front door nude and when her husband opened the door and saw her he said, "Why are you naked?'
To which she replied, "This is my love dress!"
With a raised eyebrow he said, "Needs ironing."

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