Sunday, July 22, 2007

No Nonsense Judge

I wrote on the Vick thing on my sister Blog because the language I used was inappropriate for the delicate of nature that read this Blog.

But the announcement that Micheal Vick and his co-indictees will face U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson for their court proceedings makes it possible to write here and not have to redact every word or at least every other word! Hudson is known for being a fair judge and hearing all sides in a case. He is also known for taking no guff from anyone in the courtroom and for handling cases swiftly. More importantly here he is known for imposing the hardest penalties he is allowed to upon any convicted of the charges against them when facing him ... which means here ... 6 years in federal prison (there is no parole in the federal system), and the 350K fine for each defendant.

That is too soft, way too soft, they should be rubbed down with liver pate and put in the pit with the dogs ... then see if they can elude the dogs, especially Vick who's supposed elusiveness and speed are extra ordinary ... pun intended.

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