Monday, April 28, 2008

A New Level Of Stupid

File Under: Where do these people come from?!

Was talking to a friend today and he was relating a story of another friend of his who works at Food Lion who witnessed what I am terming a new level of stupid.
It seems the Deli Manager at a certain Food Lion store did not show up for work three days running and when she did show she told the district manager at the store the reason she did not come to work was that she had OD'd on Crack.
She was fired on the spot. Duh, you think?!
One: it was way beyond stupid to even partake in the Crack in the first place.
Two: telling your boss you missed work because you partook in Crack - in excess, no less ... is not the most intelligent thing to do.
Three: ok, there is no three the first two covered it.
Like I said a new level of stupid ... it's not called Dope for nothing.
Also, it further proves the idea that Food Lion is not the place I want to shop - and the idea needed no further proof in the first place.

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