Monday, April 28, 2008

You Know You Are Old When

Last night a cute blonde girl bought me a drink. She knew me because she’s my grandkids’ summer camp counselor. This incident got me thinking about how you know you’re old ...

So I decided to start a list:

You know you’re old when

  1. A cute blonde buys you a drink, and she’s your grandkids’ summer camp counselor.

  2. You have to leave the place where she bought you the drink because the music is too loud for your tinnitus.

  3. You leave by jumping in your filthy minivan.

  4. You stop on the way home to buy something and forget what it was.

  5. You cancel your babysitter because you’re too tired to go out at 9:00 pm.

  6. The only CDs that you buy are from Starbucks. (My wife thought of this one.)

7. When you spell words correctly and use full sentences in text messages.

Please add your ideas to this list so that we may commiserate!

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