Friday, May 23, 2008

New Look and the Fearless Afraid

How you like the new look? I thought that since I was updating the looks of my other blogs and company websites I thought I would do some sprucing up around here ... man does it take time!
Still have a few friends to put back on the list and several new ones to add, whew.

Speaking of the fearless being afraid ... our (the Mrs., dog actually) Jack Russell Mac Duff took off at a full run outside today on his regular pattern of the neighborhood, when he can get out past one of us going out, where he usually dares all the labs and retrievers (of which there are several including my two monster-sized labs) to a 'fight' and plays with them until such time as I can catch him or he tires out which ever comes first ... and it is usually me tiring out first anyway.

Today however we had to go meet a friend so I could not give chase so I let him run free. When we returned from our meeting there was a note on the door from a neighbor saying she had let him in the back door after her very overweight fat cat chased Mac Duff right into her arms with his tail between his legs - I wish I had seen that ... that dog isn't afraid of anything except thunderstorms, in fact the bigger they are the better he likes it - until now that is. So we can all mark it down ... Mac Duff is afraid of overweight cats.

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