Friday, May 23, 2008

Top 10%: It runs in the family.

Just got the grandparents copy of the book and certificate listing my grandson as one of the top 10% of students in the United States - not too shabby for a boy who passed the SAT with a perfect score at 13 years old.

Now he is eligible for over 254 scholarships of $10,000 each on his academics alone, not to mention the athletic scholarship offers he has already gotten from several major universities - he won't be 14 until September.

He said as a tiny tot his wanted to be like his Papa and he has been determined to be just so that he has excelled in academics and athletics with no push to do so by either his grandparents or his parents ... something too many children have happen to them by failed dreams of their parents.

So he has his certificate to hang on his wall next to his copy of my certificate from the time I was among the top 10% of students in the United States.

Of course his being eligible for all those scholarships doesn't hurt because if anyone is tighter with their money than I am it is he ... he still has every penny of the trust fund I set up for him at birth plus every cent of interest - there are six zeros after the numerals by the way, so paying for any college in the world from his on funds is not an issue.

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