Thursday, September 4, 2008

Be afraid, be very afraid ...

Video footage of Sarah Palin's church
Wasilla Assembly of God Clip
This is video footage from the Pentecostal church Sarah Palin belongs to, clearly showing dozens of members of the congregation speaking in tongues and wandering zombie-like through the aisles, also thrashing around on the floor in front of the pulpit.
I am not sure, but I believe several people are drooling or frothing at the mouth - it is not clear enough to make it out for sure
I have haven't seen anyone online mention this video, or even Palin's connection in general to this church (including a pastor who preaches that God put the shrub in office), so thought I would bring it to your attention.
Smashing Telly's post with the video.

The Wasilla Assembly of God church had lots more up on their website, but they've since removed it with this statement.

In one of those videos Palin describes the Iraq War as "a task from god."
Here's that video.

Here's another in which it is revealed that the Alaska oil pipeline is God's Will.
If you're so inclined, a quick search reveals a lot more on.

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