Thursday, September 4, 2008

Douglas Rushkoff on the RNC


Douglas Rushkoff posted an insightful essay about the RNC speeches.

"I felt a bit nauseous watching the Republican convention last night. I’m very much a give-the-benefit-of-the-doubt kind of guy, so I try to listen to the arguments people make even when they’re made in over-the-top or patronizing ways.
Sometimes it’s good to distinguish between the rhetorical devices and the underlying substance. Even people who use manipulative language sometimes have an important point beneath their persuasion techniques (ads against smoking, for example). I usually don’t feel uneasy when I put those filters on, but last night - during the
Guiliani speech - I realized I was no longer filtering a speechwriter’s intentional manipulation; I was trying to look beyond real hate."

Read the rest of Douglas Rushkoff's essay over at Boing Boing: Douglas Rushkoff on the RNC
Douglas Rushkoff's own website is under a 'Denial-of-service cyberattack' - something that the wing-nuts are fond of doing - preventing readers from viewing his website for the time being

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