Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Man with 86 wives arrested

Police in northern Nigeria have arrested a Muslim preacher who claims 86 wives and 107 children, charging him with breaking Islamic laws governing marriage.

Authorities detained Mohammed Bello Masaba, 84, on Monday after an order from northern Niger state's Islamic court, according to police spokesman Richard Oguche.

The preacher was charged with "infringing on Islamic laws," Oguche said.

It was unclear when the man would appear before the court, or what the potential punishment could be.

Muslim principles forbid men to take more than four wives.

Around half of Nigeria's 140 million people are Muslim, and Niger was one of twelve majority-Muslim states that adopted the Islamic Sharia criminal code after Nigeria returned to civilian rule in 1999.

The move sparked religious riots throughout the country that left thousands dead.

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