Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Posterior Unination and Rectal Intrusion

Go ahead piss down their backs and tell'em it's raining - they'll believe you!

I was just reading a series of posts on a economic forum that has seen some Doozies posted by the wing-nuts but today's latest is truly off the charts.

To wit:

Since the avalanche began (which started about 30 years ago and built up to the massive slide we are witnessing now) to show itself to everyone - even the blind, deaf and dumb, or so one would think - there have been several posts made citing non-partisan sources (many from non-US entities) and poofs in the actual numbers as to how bad it really is and it is not going to get better for at least a decade to which the wing-nuts have responded in true ditto-head fashion that everything is hunky dory and it is the Liberals and the Liberal Media just trying to scare everyone into blaming them for the mess that they say doesn't exist.

Talk about denial!

The 'mess' is very real and worse than most could imagine and getting even more worse by the second. And whether they like it or not the wing-nuts are directly responsible for the 'mess' and all their denials of it won't change that.

They are just too numb in the posterior to feel the buttfu_king the rest of us have been feeling for years.

But this past weekend the old adage 'what goes around, comes around' came around to shove itself up the rectal orifices of those that have been doing the buttfu_cking and they were bereft of Vasoline when it happened just as the rest of us have been all these years and that numbness mentioned earlier is beginning to wear off.

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