Monday, October 27, 2008

150,000 Rally for Obama

150,00 people rallied for Obama in Colorado. 100,000 of them in Denver and another 50,000 in Fort Collins.

What gives?

Colorado is a "RED" state, remember.

Maybe it has always been "Blue" just like we have been in North Carolina and the repugicans just haven't realized it before.

Meanwhile McPain only drew paltry crowds totaling 7000 for two rallies if you can believe their tallies. They claimed the same number last week when McPain rallied in Concord, North Carolina.
If true that gives McPain 14,000 'votes' from three rallies.

Using three rallies held at the same time for Obama (he drew 100,000 in St. Louis you know) - he has 250,000 'votes'.
That's a quarter-million folks to less than 20K.

I don't know about you but the math I learned says 250K is a bigger number than 20K.
However you can bet your sweet bippy, McPain will claim 20K is greater than 250K, after all he still proclaims, "I'm going to win it".

If just those rally 'votes' where all the votes that counted McPain would so not "win" and the trend of those rallies follows the general trend of the nation so just when and in what lifetime do the delusional repugicans think McPain is going to 'win it'?

The numbers that I and many others have maintained as to the actual numbers of voters in each respective 'party' are really showing - with the Democrats holding a vastly superior numerical count as they always have and this time they are being joined by Independents, Greens, Libertarians and others ... and even some Republicans.
(Note: I use republicans for those voting for Obama, not repugicans because some are the moderate and even left leaning conservatives that are trying to reclaim what is their's and some are recovering repugicans who have had the epiphany that the wing-nuts are crazy and insane.)

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