Monday, October 27, 2008

Palestinians host first international soccer game

Palestinians may not have a state, but now they have a way to express their national pride - through soccer.

On Sunday, October 26, 2008, the national team hosted an international match for the first time, in the West Bank's only regulation-size stadium.

Located in a West Bank suburb of Jerusalem, the stadium was renovated with the help of FIFA, soccer's governing body, and other donors.

Thousands watched the friendly game against Jordan, and the crowd roared as Palestinian forward Ahmed Kashkash scored several minutes after kickoff.

Jordan tied early in the second half.

The game ended in a 1-1 tie.

FIFA President Sepp Blatter was on hand to cheer.
"We are here to realize a dream, that is the national team of Palestine playing in its own stadium," Blatter said, calling the event "historic."


This is a good thing folks ... if everyone could just get together to play a game and then go to dinner afterwards some of the world's problems just might be not problems anymore.

It might be a pipe dream, but pipe dreams do have an odd habit of becoming reality at unusual times.
If only we could control the soccer hooligans from ruining the dream in the first place. And you know who you are!

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