Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bold-Face Liars

Just picked up the mail and got nauseated by the 'fliers' from the repugicans saying that Obama and the Liberals caused the economic crises, raised and are going to raise taxes, gave tax breaks to companies that shipped jobs overseas and so on and so forth.

Accusing everyone else of doing exactly what they have been doing - and it is a matter of public record that they were the ones that did everything they are accusing the Liberals of doing.
The economy is a direct result of their polices.
The highest taxes rates and increases in history - in fact ALL history setting tax increases EVER have been done by the repugicans.
Tax breaks to corporations, yep them too.

We the American people are wiser than that, but the repugicans are not.
We see through the lies and we are telling them NO MORE in a loud and clear voice.
You have fucked us over for the last time and the 'perfect storm' has developed and WILL sweep the halls of the White House and Congress clean!

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