Saturday, November 1, 2008

A reader responds

Anonymous responds to the post about "How DUMB is Sarah Palin" with this hooey:

Both the SAT scores and IQ test are exposed hoaxes.
And even if those scores were real (which they are not) it would be impossible for someone with an 83 IQ (mildly retarded range) to achieve that high a score on the SATs

One ... SAT and IQ scores are not hoaxes - only those who are in the 70-80 score range think they are.

Two ... the scores for Sarah Palin are quite real and a matter of public record.

Third ... isn't odd that one so gullible as to swallow the notion that Sarah Palin is NOT DUMB would be scared to leave their name - then again no it isn't odd at all.



The anonymous one still is afraid to leave their name and still won't admit they have a problem with reality ... still claiming the idiot is not dumb. Something that is apparent to everyone else on the planet even with her IQ scores unknown, her scores just re-enforce what everyone all ready knows.

Point of fact ... I have a friend who works at the local RenFaire who has a IQ score of 74 and is more intelligent than is Sarah and he has wondered how such a dumb person 'got by' in the world himself ... even he said it was because of her gender, albeit he used a more colorful phrase to say so.

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