Friday, November 14, 2008

Dirty dancing' bans woman from hangout

From the "There are still idiots out there" Department:

Sadly there are still idiots out there who insist they know what is right for everyone and it is still 1957.

DATELINE ... Marshall, North Carolina

This small mountain town has agreed to pay $275,000 to a woman who was banned from a community hangout after residents complained about her dirty dancing.

Rebecca Willis, then 56, was told to stay away from the Marshall town community center eight years ago. According to court documents, she was accused of gyrating and simulating sexual intercourse with her partner while wearing a skirt so short it exposed her underwear.

Willis described her dance as “exuberant and flamboyant” but not obscene.

The American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina Legal Foundation announced the settlement with the Madison County town on Thursday.

Willis is still not allowed to return to the refurbished train station where she once danced and socialized.

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