Friday, November 14, 2008

Into their cups

Man accused of urinating on arresting officer

A 35-year-old man faces charges after allegedly driving drunk and then urinating in the back of a squad car and on the arresting officer. A criminal complaint said the man was pulled over early Wednesday after an officer saw him driving erratically and striking a pole at a gas station.

The complaint said the man failed field sobriety tests and when he was being taken to the police station, urinated in the back of the squad car and sprayed the officer, hitting him in the back of the head.

The man is facing four felony charges and two misdemeanors. He faces a maximum of 15 years in prison if convicted.

The misdemeanors include a fourth-offense operating while intoxicated.

Trooper cites pair for DUI in single traffic stop

A Montana Highway Patrol trooper cited two men with drunken driving in one traffic stop. Trooper Darvin Mees stopped a suspected drunk driver Wednesday afternoon. While he had the driver out performing a field sobriety test, the passenger slid behind the wheel, started the truck and began to drive off.

Mees said he ran after the pickup and yelled at the driver to stop. He did.

Mees said the driver, a 24-year-old man and his passenger 22-year-old man, both failed field sobriety tests and were cited for drunken driving.

The traffic stop began with a bus driver's report of a suspected drunken driver.

Beer truck driver accused of driving drunk

A contract beer truck driver has been arrested on suspicion of drunken driving after his rig flipped over. Police said the man, 56, was eastbound on Colorado 58 about 7:30 p.m. Tuesday when he took an exit ramp for eastbound Interstate 70 too fast. The truck and its 45,000-pound trailer full of beer overturned.

Wheat Ridge police spokeswoman Lisa Stigall said the beer remained enclosed inside the trailer. Authorities had to remove the entire load in order for the trailer to be set upright.

The wreckage blocked the ramp until about 2:30 a.m. Wednesday.

No injuries were reported. Stigall says the man was booked and taken to a detoxification facility.

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