Friday, December 12, 2008

Man sprays 'toilet-papering' teens with fox urine

A 50-year-old man in Willmar, Minnesota, who told authorities he was fed up with teens toilet-papering his house decided to defend his property - with a squirt gun filled with fox urine. Now, Scott Wagar is in trouble with the law.

Wagar pleaded not guilty on Wednesday in Kandiyohi County District Court to misdemeanor assault and other charges. He was released on personal recognizance.

According to police, Wagar was on his property September 16th when he used night vision goggles to see 15-20 people running toward his place. He told police that he told them to leave, swore at them and sprayed them with the fox urine. He also allegedly struggled with one of the teens.


Around here we use a shotgun filled with rock salt and we have no 'toilet-papering' teens - word gets around quick and rock salt burns like hell for weeks! That and hand packed bear-shot packs a wallop!

(and yes, for all you gun nuts out there, we use an old gun and clean it after each use)

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