Friday, December 12, 2008

Mom, why is there a hawk in the house?

A large raptor crashed through the window of a northern Idaho home, showering a youngster with glass and stunning itself before recovering and flying off.

Karyn Holt said her 1-year-old son was eating breakfast in his high chair Tuesday morning when the bird, possibly a Cooper's Hawk, broke through the window facing their backyard.

Holt's son, Quinn, suffered only minor cuts. Her daughter came running and asked, "Mom, why is there a hawk in the house."

Karyn Holt picked up the stunned bird and moved it into the yard, where it rested for about 90 minutes before flying off.

Jane Cantwell, a raptor biologist, says raptors like the Cooper's Hawk are ambush predators that can get so focused on prey that they don't notice sudden threats, like a glass window.

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