- #1. Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation
- # 2 Security and Prosperity Partnership: Militarized NAFTA
- # 3 InfraGard: The FBI Deputizes Business
- # 4 ILEA: Is the US Restarting Dirty Wars in Latin America?
- # 5 Seizing War Protesters’ Assets
- # 6 The Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act
- # 7 Guest Workers Inc.: Fraud and Human Trafficking
- # 8 Executive Orders Can Be Changed Secretly
- #9 Iraq and Afghanistan Vets Testify
- # 10 APA Complicit in CIA Torture
- # 11 El Salvador’s Water Privatization and the Global War on Terror
- # 12 Bush Profiteers Collect Billions From No Child Left Behind
- # 13 Tracking Billions of Dollars Lost in Iraq
- # 14 Mainstreaming Nuclear Waste
- # 15 Worldwide Slavery
- # 16 Annual Survey on Trade Union Rights
- # 17 UN’s Empty Declaration of Indigenous Rights
- # 18 Cruelty and Death in Juvenile Detention Centers
- # 19 Indigenous Herders and Small Farmers Fight Livestock Extinction
- # 20 Marijuana Arrests Set New Record
- # 21 NATO Considers “First Strike” Nuclear Option
- # 22 CARE Rejects US Food Aid
- # 23 FDA Complicit in Pushing Pharmaceutical Drugs
- # 24 Japan Questions 9/11 and the Global War on Terror
- # 25 Bush’s Real Problem with Eliot Spitzer
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Top 25 Censored Stories
Fatty Acids Clue to Alzheimer’s
“Controlling the level of a fatty acid in the brain could help treat Alzheimer’s disease, an American study has suggested. Tests on mice showed that reducing excess levels of the acid lessened animals’ memory problems and behavioural changes. Writing in Nature Neuroscience, the team said fatty acid levels could be controlled through diet or drugs. A UK Alzheimer’s expert called the work “robust and exciting”. There are currently 700,000 people living with dementia in the UK, but that number is forecast to double within a generation.
Scientists from Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease and the University of California looked at fatty acids in the brains of normal mice and compared them with those in mice genetically engineered to have an Alzheimer’s-like condition. They identified raised levels of a fatty acid called arachidonic acid in the brains of the Alzheimer’s mice. Its release is controlled by the PLA2 enzyme. The scientists again used genetic engineering to lower PLA2 levels in the animals, and found that even a partial reduction halted memory deterioration and other impairments.”
Stone Age Man Took Drugs
“It has long been suspected that humans have an ancient history of drug use, but there has been a lack of proof to support the theory. Now, however, researchers have found equipment used to prepare hallucinogenic drugs for sniffing, and dated them back to prehistoric South American tribes. Quetta Kaye, of University College London, and Scott Fitzpatrick, an archaeologist from North Carolina State University, made the breakthrough on the Caribbean island of Carriacou.
They found ceramic bowls, as well as tubes for inhaling drug fumes or powders, which appear to have originated in South America between 100BC and 400BC and were then carried 400 miles to the islands. While the use of such paraphernalia for inhaling drugs is well-known, the age of the bowls has thrown new light on how long humans have been taking drugs. Scientists believe that the drug being used was cohoba, a hallucinogen made from the beans of a mimosa species. Drugs such as cannabis were not found in the Caribbean then. Opiates can be obtained from species such as poppies, while fungi, which was widespread, may also have been used.”
Full story: Telegraph
What they are saying
Awesome blog, Dude! - Charles in Los Angeles, CA
Wow, what a place. - Stefanie in Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
Willow wand or cudgel, whatever it takes to get their attention. - Mack in Mooresville, NC
I find the jokes very subtle and the science news is wonderful. - Andie in Oshkosh, WI
Great job! - Hans in Berlin, Germany
I love you - Connie in Homestead, FL
(Ok, Connie but the Mrs., and the girlfriend have dibs)
And now some of the inane rantings of those forever anonymous Haters:
Sarah is GOD and you better leave her alone!
(Might be god/the gods has something to say about that one)
McCain is a war hero and that is all that matters
(Might want to fact check that one ... last time I looked collaborators with the enemy weren't listed under the definition of 'hero')
You suck!
(First of all, learn to spell - there are three letters in the word 'You' and the letter 'C' is to be found in the word 'suCk'. Then specify exactly what you are referencing to with your 'statement')
God hates Commies!
(Stuck in a time-warp I see)
(Editors Note: I corrected the misspellings in the above ... not only are they scared to leave their name they are illiterate to boot.)
Woman chooses to go to jail over $7.45 bill
The total she went to jail over: $7.45. According to a police report, Maryanne O'Neill, 66, ordered coffee and a sandwich at a Waffle House restaurant on Saturday but refused to pay the bill.
The report said an officer asked her to pay or go to jail and she refused.
A jail official said she was released Monday from the St. Lucie County Jail. She was charged with obtaining food or lodging with intent to defraud, a second degree misdemeanor.
If convicted of a second degree misdemeanor she could face up to 60 days in jail and a fine of $500.
Don't know as to her judgment, but she was eating at an 'Awlful House' in the first place.
Caught on tape
Well, to be perfectly honest ... no, he did not.
What he actually said was, "Liberals hate real Americans that work and accomplish and achieve and believe in God."
Hayes denies it, the McPain campaign denies it, the repugicans deny it, but all to no avail.
The statement is on video and audio tape.
Hate-mongering is a suicide gun with the barrel pointing backward toward the shooter and even if there is only one bullet in the gun eventually the chambers rotate and it lodges in the barrel and explodes into the face of the shooter when the trigger is pulled.
That one bullet has fired back on the repugicans ... only trouble now is there are more than one bullet and they keep eating them like they are polo mints every time they pull the trigger (i.e., say anything).
We Voted
The few and far between silent ones all had a pinched scowl in their faces ... like someone had licked all the red off their candy. The rest of us figured they were still delusional and were going to waste their vote on McPain - why else would they look so constipated and hateful.
10:15PM Update:
According to the new SurveyUSA poll - in NC ... Among those who have already voted, Obama leads 59% to 36%.
Elderly woman arrested for not returning football
Edna Jester, 89, of Blue Ash, Ohio, was arrested for taking a football away from kids in her neighborhood. Apparently, the ball kept landing in her yard and she was fed up. She refused police demands for her to return the ball, so they arrested her for petty theft.
From the Cincinnati Enquirer:
"That's my only way of getting through to these children," Edna Jester said. "I'll give it back to them later, but not right now..."
(The father of the boy who owned the ball) said he never wanted Jester to be arrested.
“I just wanted the ball back,” Tanis said. “My son paid for the ball with his own money.”
Tanis said she has kept about 10 balls – basketballs and soccer balls – belonging to his children that went into her yard. Jester said she has kept only three.
Hearse driver stalks woman
From The Sydney Morning Herald:
The funeral director is also appealing against a conviction for obtaining a benefit by deception after his business, Caring Funerals, switched two bodies and cremated the wrong one.
His lawyer, Roland Bonnici, told Downing Local Court today that nobody in his right mind would draw attention to himself as a disqualified driver under the influence of alcohol by menacing another person with a vehicle, and therefore Mr Lee's actions should be considered a cry for help.
Woman who has spent her life smelling like a rotten fish is diagnosed with genetic condition
The woman has been diagnosed with an incurable genetic condition called trimethylaminuria, or fish malodour syndrome, which affects the smell of sweat, breath and urine."The characteristic body odour resembling rotting fish can be intermittent, variable and influenced by diet, hormones and medications," her doctors said in The Medical Journal of Australia.
Here's a video about another woman who has this unfortunate condition. "It's not just body odor, it can fill an entire room. And recently it filled an auditorium. It's a very heavy, dark, deep, intense smell."
Unfortunately, there's no cure.
'Battleground States' going for Obama
State | EV's | Obama % | McCain % | Margin | # Polls |
Colorado | 9 | 50.5% | 46.0% | +4.5% | 2 |
Florida | 27 | 48.2% | 44.8% | +3.4% | 6 |
Missouri | 11 | 48.0% | 46.7% | +1.3% | 3 |
Nevada | 5 | 49.5% | 45.5% | +4.0% | 2 |
North Carolina | 15 | 48.3% | 44.7% | +3.6% | 3 |
Ohio | 20 | 48.8% | 45.5% | +3.3% | 4 |
Virginia | 13 | 51.8% | 43.8% | +8.0% | 4 |
Powell for Obama (and why)
Powell has been on a crusade to resurrect his lost integrity and honor since he submitted a noxious pack of lies to the United Nations Security Council in support of Bush’s invasion of Iraq. He knows his performance was the clincher that ended the debate for many Americans – if the reasonable and straightforward Powell was behind it, it must be true.
This is the final stage of Powell’s reclamation of his character and veracity – rejecting the aggression and insanity of McCain’s more-war stance in favor of the kind of diplomacy he advocated before he served the interests of BushCo at the UN in 2003.
While his endorsement is unlikely to move many civilian voters, former Joint Chiefs of Staff head Powell is still respected in the military and his nod to Obama will signal to many in the armed forces, including the top brass, that it’s safe to support the Democrat this election.
Beyond that, it’s also a sign of the deep fissure in the Republican Party between the Old Guard secular conservatives, such as Powell’s former boss George H.W. Bush, James Baker and Brent Scowcroft, and the emergent power of the Christopublicans, embodied by the elevation of the inexperienced but devout Sarah Palin to vice presidential nominee.
The Old Guard, of course, were happy to use the Christopublicans to get elected, as Reagan and Bush the Elder did, but, once in office, they were put in the corner and ignored.
After Junior Bush’s installment in 2000, the Christopublicans became a much stronger force in the GOP, often calling the shots in various campaigns, although the party wasn’t willing to commit suicide by attempting to legislate such things as abortion and prayer in schools on a national basis. The Old Guard were watching closely at the blowback from the GOP’s interference in the Terri Schiavo fiasco, and the massive public rejection of such meddling – it was the ultimate proof that the Christopublicans were destroying the secular conservative Republican Party of small government, deregulation and low taxes in pursuit of their mad idea of a Christian theocracy.
Powell, who rightfully credits his advancement to Bush 41, cooperated with Junior out of loyalty to the family and, out of the same loyalty, might have kept his endorsement to himself this year but, it seems plain, he was given the green light by the Old Guard, including Bush the Elder, to support Obama over McCain.
The doddering McCain himself is a marginalized figure here; the real focus is Sarah Palin, the pious End Times cipher forced upon McCain by the Christopublicans in return for their support. With an illness-prone and elderly President McCain not likely to finish out his first term, the prospect of a Rapture-Ready Palin presidency makes the Jim Dobson’s and Pat Robertson’s giddy in anticipation – and causes old Cold War warriors such as Powell, who spent his military career trying to keep the nuclear fuse from being lit, shivers up the spine.
Already we have seen Old Guard Reaganauts from George F. Will to Peggy Noonan and Ken Adelman abandon the GOP for Obama; setting the stage to blame Palin and the Christopublicans for what is shaping up to be a Democratic landslide in November.
They will willingly endure four or eight years of an Obama administration in order to drive the Christopublican menace back to the fringe of the party and assert the power of the Old Guard once more.
Make no mistake, Powell’s strong endorsement of Obama shows that the secular conservatives are ready to step in and retake the GOP from the forces of Christian theocracy bent on touching off a nuclear Armageddon to fulfill their fanatical fantasies.
RS Janes posted the above over at BartBlog on October 21, 2008
Did You Know ...
Guess what?
The banks will owe no income taxes on their $700 billion bailout.
That ain't right!
As of this moment ...
546 Brave men and women are never going to return from Afghanistan
Support OUR Troops ... Bring them home now!