Saturday, January 17, 2009

For the love of Headers

When I checked to see who has been reading this blog this morning I noticed a comment from young lady made about two hours ago in which she said ... "I just LOVE your header on the blog! That's to cool! :)"

Thanks, Susanne, I try to have several headers that I rotate on a haphazard basis and I am working on more.

Also, I went to her blog and found some wonderful imagery - Susanne it turns out is a photographer, and a pretty good one, too, unlike some of my efforts.

Her blog is Sue's Daily Photography ... check it out ... she has some great work of hers posted.


  1. Wow, what a nice surprise, thank you sooo much for the link love to my blog. I really do love the photo of that nosy dog nose in your header!

    Thanks again, I very much appreciate your words. I will be offline now for a while because of moving into a camper and I will start living my dream on coming Tuesday: traveling "Across America" for a year or two.

    I will blog about of course, IF I will have Internet connections :)

    Stay tunded - don't miss anything.

    Sue's Daily Photography

  2. Well then, Susanne you'd most likely love the header with the black bear sitting at the picnic table in the back yard like one of the family.

    He his sitting on his hindquarters upright with his front paws crossed on the table top as if patiently waiting for the burgers to be done.

    I'll have to rotate that one back on the blog sometime.
